How is the general arrangement of power system

Here Present The general arrangement of power system and reasons for generated electrical energy transmitted over long distance .
It mainy consists of generating stations,substations,transmission network and distribution network.According to the law of conservation, energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, it can be transferred from one form to another form. Therefor power station converts some form of Energy into the electrical energy. It mainly consists of two parts, one is turbine and other is alternator. Turbine converts some form of energy into machanical form and then alternator converts it into electrical form. Generated electricity is in the form of 3 phase supply which is step up in power substation. Then this high voltage electrical energy is transmitted by transmission line over a long distance. Then it is stepped down in distribution substation to utilization level.this step up and step down is done by transformer. Then the electrical energy is distributed to different consumers.
Generated electrical energy has to be transmitted over a long distance owing to following reasons:
  • The load on the power syatem is not concentrated but it is widely spread.
  • Generating station are created away from the load centers due to some particular site selection the case in hydro power station is, it should be located at hilly areas owing to its requirement of huge amount of water and construction of dam.
  • In case of thermal power station and nuclear power station the pollution level is very high which is dangerous to human beings.
  • Owing to these reasons , the generated electrical energy has to be transmitted to the consumers via some conducting materials.
  • If these conductors are located over head with suitable spacing between them and adequate clearance from ground then it is called as overhead transmission system.
  • If these conductors are placed underground by properly insulated from each other then the sytem is known as underground transmission system.
  • Fig. Shown the typical layout of the power system.